Taylor Nicole Dean Age, Family, Bio

I feel like sifting through her interactions it’s obvious she wants to be apart of that “scene” without actually having any sort of contribution as far as talent goes. My tinfoil is she keeps up her online presence in hopes some dirty, tattooed SoundClout loser is desperate enough to fly her out to LA and fuck her and make her their gf. Like Syd, she wants to be apart of the scene without actually being any sort of artist. The difference is sadly i hate to say is that Syd solidified her default at being apart of it by being a cum dumpster. Now her ties to JC will always give her that “clout” she so wishes for, whether we like it or not. Taylor will fade into oblivion especially now since her looks are not nearly as prime as they were during her peak era.

taylor nicole dean

So, if a thread is started I have stuff for it, if y’all think it’s not a good idea, no skin off my back. To me though the sad part is, she doesn’t really look normal. I don’t mean to be nitpicky, but she looks so gaunt and haggard, I would feel sorry for her if she wasn’t such an awful person. I think it’s mainly the cheekbones and the eyes I’m getting the vibes from, but she just looks so… empty inside? But, maybe that’s perfect bait for Jonny because it’s not like he’s looking for a relationship with a real and genuine person, he’s looking for just any girl to stick his limp dick in.

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Waiting to see if that part comes true at least. A month ago I was calling anons stupid for thinking she would ever talk to her abuser/rapist again, never mind follow him on sm and make up with him. I should know better than to defend her, guess I’m the stupid one. Mama Dean is definitely not going to let her date him while she’s living under her roof.

I don’t know if there were longer shots of the actual snake because I stopped watching when it cut back to her blabbering. Her animals must be dying now due to the storm in Texas. She was inspired by Australian animal expert and TV personalitySteve Irwin.

Taylor has no life so all she can do is sit in bed and wallow in self pity remembering her life before she completely fucked it up. She lives exclusively in the past. I would feel bad for her if she purpose and structure of oxford house was actually making an effort to get better but doing drugs and lying pathologically is not a good strategy to garner empathy. Her and Maddie bad mouthed saying their team member was stalking them.

Using the weakest excuses to worm his way into her life. How about you focus on making your own money to support your baby son you abused, instead of stealing more time and money from Taylor and all the other miserable BPD girls in your DMs. A random junkie with 400 followers isn’t cow material. It kinda seems like Athena is self posting to try and get attention. Also will we take a moment to look at the people tnd choose to be friends with?? Like keep going down this trajectory Taylor, seems healthy and totally sensible.

Everything she chooses to do just exacerbates her problems. Do any of you think she’s actually applied for jobs or do you think she’s too deep in denial? Do you think she knows that she’ll never get hired with a giant decade-long gap of unemployment in her resume? She’s hasn’t worked at all in her adult life.

Taylor’s recent Twitter posts on her return

You’ve probably been obsessing over this site for days now. Because you have no one, because clearly no one gives a fuck about you. You speak into the void to no one on social media all day with no one engaging. This is the most you’ll ever accomplish. Being a syd wannabe, a clingy delusional cow who no one can stand being around.

They don’t just say “you have bipolar disorder idk what type yet I still gotta figure that out”. Oftentimes the medicines your prescribed would be different depending on which type of bipolar disorder you have. You’re not gonna get labeled with a mental disorder and prescribed medication until they’re confident what they’re diagnosing. Especially if it’s already clear that you’re more depressive with milder mania. In that case, a certified psychiatrist would be able to tell her it sounds like type II and that’s what they believe they she has.

taylor nicole dean

Recently anons have not known the meanings of sage and blogging. I’ve never seen anyone defend retarded blog posting unless it’s themselves doing it. Anybody who uses this site regularly knows posting walls of text is not cool. Oldish milk and doubt anything will come of it but some animal people filed a complaint with the USDA on some pet influencers, including Taylor. She screams – trust me I have a mental illness, not like I’m faking it for clout like the hundreds of tiktok kids. Even this bs isn’t interesting anymore.

She will only be 25, I know she looks older then 25 already. But if she got rid of some of the migration filler above her top lip with dissolver, she would look so much younger. I think big fish lips are more common in late 20s early 30s women, combined with her overall face sag but her face in general doesnt look as plump as it use to a few years ago. In 6 months of that routine her skin will thank her. I know no doctor recommended 24/7 bed rest, especially if she has EDs.

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Like genuinely no one gives a fuck about your running mental illness carrd. I promise you no one who follows your social media or watches your videos thinks your incessant rambling about your mental illnesses is inspiring or interesting. Literally over a billion people globally have mental illnesses or substance abuse disorders, you’re not fucking alcohol withdrawal symptoms causes, timeline & treatment special. How are you 25 fucking years old and still desperately trying to cling to mental health problems as some quirky, defining personality trait. You’re way too old for that attention whoring and romanticization shit, just grow up and shut up about it already, god damn. It’s the exact same thing every single day for years with this dumb bitch.

  • All it means is that you’re a shit human.
  • Only to throw it away for some POS who everyone warned her about, and some drugs.
  • I also like in screen shot 4 she accidentally left the “1” where she talks about how many times she failed to upload.
  • The only reason you don’t block somebody is because you want to connect with them, it doesn’t feel like she’s actually as intimidated or upset by him as she claims.
  • She seems like the kind of person who says “there’s no such thing as unskilled labor” while also thinking she’s above working in retail.

Where is all the gym, therapy session you’ve been going tay?? I doubt she is doing ANY of that. I wonder how Taylor feels about Tyler and Maddie collabing with Snake Discovery.

His Reaction to Cage Remodel Was Interesting | Taylor Nicole Dean

A bit late, but it’s quite ironic that she posts a glam photo of her saying lazy day when in reality that’s probably been the least lazy day shes had in a while. She actually bothered to get up and pick an outfit and do her makeup and hair and get a camera out. We all know the rest of the time she lies in bed and does f all. Never seen someone talk about speculation and addressing rumors more than here.

Has anyone told them that you can brush cats? I remember when Tay found out about cat toys, kept her entertained for a whole 5 minutes or so. I guarantee when she uploads it she’ll have these retarded nails on. There’s no way she’s not scrambling to finish it, that’s why she did her makeup and got ready yesterday, because she was probably filming. The anons in this thread never fail to make me fucking howl. Oh wait maybes it’s her clownfish bites, that she is totally going to show us in action.

Sure a Taylor/Jonny reunion may not be super likely but I can easily see her talking to him for “cLosUrE” and because she’s lonely. I agree with celebrating baby steps in recovery but this has been going on what? (Can’t remember when her an JC split) but even then it’s insane to me that she got worse instead of better. JC is trash but just goes to show Taylor was also trash well before JC.

She’s having such a drawn out decline, slowly wasting her life away and digging herself deeper. In denial, quietly relapsing and being terminally online for years on repeat. She hasn’t matured at all either. Just thought now don’t drink alcohol while taking these medications was as a good time as ever to bring up these old ass tweets from back when she was photoshopping the fuck out of her pics. Like there’s no shame at all in having small boobs, just don’t be such a goddamn liar about it.

Taylor Nicole Dean

He ruined his life by marrying that fat, low-IQ Disney adult. Remember when Taylor implied her dad abused her and then backtracked because her mom found out she was spreading lies on the internet? Imagine having a poorly done Furby tattoo on your thigh to memorialize your fervent attempts at curating a junkie image instead of idk getting a job like a real adult. Just another cringey piece of shit to squander the little money she has left on.

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