Why Are Older Men Looking At Women Half Their Age? Online Dating

Don’t give yourself away all at once. Give any relationship a good deal of time to grow and develop, and pace yourself with the finances. You don’t have to get married again either. That is something you deal with if you’ve been in a relationship for a good amount of time and you have honesty and trust. Even then there is not an absolute need to marry.

Dating an Older Man: Pros, Cons, + Advice For The Modern Woman

Just my opinion based on countless articles I’ve read and people I know and talk to. Jack……I am sorry this has happened to you. I don’t think you are asking for anything unreasonable, and I can’t understand the concept of a woman loving you but she doesn’t want to be intimate.

You May Feel Immature

Then regret it, but by then it’s already done. I’m 43 and never been married – in fact I’ve never had a girlfriend or even dated . At least divorces/ees have experienced the human dimension that is known through an intimate relationship with someone they felt very strongly attracted to. It’s too late for me – nothing has happened yet and almost certainly never will. I live in the PNW and dating is a faded memory for me.

Finding the right person to be happy with is worth the risk and the time. You sound like a great guy and I wish you all the best. I very much appreciate your kind words.

Does anyone really believe that men are not the most docile people in the ordinary family. Consider the body differences and just consider how often women are friends with other women. Women rule the world and it is not pretty behind closed doors. Im 54 and I am on a couple of dating sites. I post just my profile picture, username, age and city and that is it!

I get 25 to 30 messages a day from different woman and an average of 45 – 50 that have viewed my profile. You are completely wrong and have no idea what you’re talking about. I am a 50 year old woman and want sex more now than I ever did in my 20’s, and every woman I know my age feels the same. Hey Howie, I am a woman in the same boat!

I got divorced over 20 years ago and after many attempts at dating feel that at 52 I just can’t be bothered anymore. I have much better things to do with my time than waste it with little chance of success. I’m separated now after 27 years, me mid 50s her late 40s. I didn’t cheat and neither did she. We had a failure in communication that seemed to start breaking down as the kids were leaving for college. There have been wonderful happy times raising three gorgeous children, 2 in college 1 in mid teens, all seem to be happily adjusted life is good.

And yes, there often is a substantial loss of friends after a divorce. You were very kind to everyone in your post. That’s a great quality in a person. Because of great pain, some people become bitter. There are many good people out there.

At fifty six and single with kids a decade….each year the pool gets uglier and fatter…..lol! Don’t give up one day out of the blue when you are least expecting you will meat him. The question will be if you will do something about him or simply let him go. When he will leave the nest I probably will feel lonely, but I will not waste my time looking for a man, because the selection is….. I am your age and younger men than me are being attracted to me.

And that doesn’t mean perfection in someone or a man 6ft tall. I would do the same, and I have a lot of love to give the right man if I can find him. I’d like a partner again for all the reasons you’ve mentioned. Even though I believe that marriage is a sacred commitment, a true testament to how a couple feels about each other, I don’t believe that many people are cut out for it anymore these days. I’d be happy with a faithful and devoted partner without the paperwork.

Alex…Good luck with that Match profile. From the sounds of it you won’t get many responses. If only we didn’t live on opposite coasts…lol.

Maybe not all women but I, as a mid 50s woman, have begun to ignore men my own age for those older, assuming I’m competing for the attention of my peer age group with that of 10+ years younger in 30s, 40s. https://hookupranker.com/matchu-review/ I am a fairly good looking man with my act together, financially stable with 24 years of a successful marriage behind me. I’m still raising a 14 year old son. I am confident that my soul mate is out there.

Age, wisdom, experience, class, a few grey hairs, and a well-tailored suit garner me all the attention I want. I haven’t fallen in love just yet, but a simple prenup will weed out the gold diggers if I do. I think many are similar to what the confused Dude has described. I don’t think all men are like this though – there are bound to be some exceptions to this – even some people who actually fall in love with each other and their age doesn’t come into it. I don’t know what else to do anymore. I am not someone who enjoys being alone.

I believe it is the SOUL CONNECTION and commonality between 2 people that make a relationship fulfilling no matter what age you are. Be confident and take charge of your own destiny. Don’t settle for anything less than your very best and the rest will follow. The age thing is similar for women. I.e. men apparently think that if their member does function, they should find a younger woman, either because they are more exciting to be with, or more likely to be interested in sex and not emasculating.

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