The 8-Year Rule: Why You Shouldn’t Date With An 8-Year Age Gap

If you’re thinking about taking things with a younger man beyond a casual fling, get an early gauge on whether he can take accountability for his actions. Evolutionary psychology is based on the premise that the human mind has evolved adaptive strategies to support reproduction and survival . Along these lines, ancestrally, women benefited by seeking men who have the status and resources to support their child-rearing and the willingness to do so. Men, meanwhile, have evolved a preference for younger women because their youth is a signal for fertility, and over eons and eons, men have better reproductive success when they partner with women who can bear children. Based on the figures Buunk and colleagues provided , I replotted their data superimposing the max and min age ranges defined by the half-your-age-plus-7 rule. Now we can see how well the rule corresponds with people’s reported acceptable ages.

But in hindsight, I think we might have just been incompatible. Realistically, the proverbial conflict of horse tranquilizers versus fresh produce can happen in any relationship, regardless of age. But generational differences are an easy scapegoat, especially when you’re not in the mood for introspection. But what these trends tell us is that the majority of the population is likely to partner with someone of similar age. This largely has to do with having social circles that generally include peers of similar ages and being attracted to others who are similar. Similarity entails many things, including personality, interests and values, life goals and stage of life, and physical traits .

It’s totally fine to send her out with friends every now and then, too. He may not have bought a house yet, something that tends to spend time and energy. And if you’re still renting, you might one day become a home buyer together. You’ll be encouraged to live a life full of energy, wisdom and maturity. You will want to be a role model while forging a genuine connection with the lady you’re with.

My advice OP would be to ask him what he likes about older women. Oh and just to add, be careful of him looking for a mother figure. He needs to be fully independent and an equal partner, not someone hoping to escape responsibility and have someone else take care of him. I was in a relationship for several years with someone 14 years younger than me. It was a nightmare but that was not because of the age-gap but because he was a complete and utter knob.

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This is because our lives are made up of different stages, and each stage consists of particular life tasks we need to master. In contrast, there’s evidence to suggest men value attractiveness and vitality more than women because, from an evolutionary standpoint, youth is seen as an indicator of fertility. Given men cannot bear children, evolution suggests they’re attuned to younger women to enhance the chances of partnering with someone who can provide children. This is the kind of topic that could go on for days.

He only wants to party all the time but he loves his son. I left him a few months back, now ive only just met another guy and he is also 8 years younger. Im torn between trying and being scared of wasting my time. My fiancé is 19, and we have a daughter four months old. Yes, we had sex when he was 18 and I got pregnant. I’ve never been in a relationship before nor had children, until I met this beautiful young man.

If he does not seem to take any steps toward a stable career, you might not consider continuing. However, this difference in preferred activities does not have to be a deal-breaker. As long as he does not furnish your living room with beer cans, pizza boxes, and game consoles or embarrasses you in public, a relationship can still work.

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And if you are that right combination, don’t let it go. These issues can, of course, affect couples who are the same age and who have different priorities, but relationships with a large age gap are especially susceptible to the “stage of life” problem. For other couples, however, age is much more than a number.

Older men often have responsibilities like children or a stressful job to worry about, but the younger you go, the less likely these aspects of life will be. Kate reveals the most effective method I’ve come across to attract women and make them yours. In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice for your situation. If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to a relationship coach.

And for the rare young-yet-mature man who’s got his life together “but is struggling to find a similarly-positioned woman his age, older women may seem like a very good option in terms of a romantic partner.” For example, if you’re 32, you can date someone as young as 23 while remaining in the realm of “socially acceptable,” according to the calculation. Conversely, to find your ceiling for dating, you would subtract seven from your age and then double it. So, per the rule, a 32-year-old could date a 50-year-old.

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